11 February, 2013

Always on time in due time.

As always, we're on time in due time. It's been four months since we landed in Bangkok and things here have taken their time to move quite fast indeed. In fact, things have been so quick to move so remarkably slow that I am just now remembering the time to find what hasn't yet happened. And so we'll have to take this two steps out of time to catch up to where we were, like we told you we are.

In addition to galavanting about our humble Nongkhaem District and Bangkok proper, Reaksmey and I have travelled to Phnom Penh, Cambodia to visit family, taken a short tryst to Koh Chang island in the gulf of Thailand, and have been blessed with a "mandatory vacation" to Vientiane, Laos to handle some pesky visa business. All of which were lovely trips in their own right, and all of which we'll recap briefly in the good Lord's english along with some colored picturegraphs for the skeptics among you. We do hope that the three of you who are actually reading this will enjoy the presentation.

We thank you for your time, and believe me when I tell you that we've thoroughly enjoyed wasting it for you. Here's to there and more to come!



  1. Nice! Happy to be 1 of 3. Miss you guys and LOVED the Happy NY card!

  2. It's the 26th already - what adventures do you have to share since the 11th? Love, AMA
